Hey! I’m Aidan Rollins and I’m a Gay 15 year old member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints and no shock I live in Utah. My parents are very supportive and my mom is an Lgbtq activist and is working her way to becoming a therapist for Lgbtq youth. My dad is the bishop of my ward and so that can be very tough sometimes. I came out in 9th grade and I got a lot of support but along with that there were people there to make sure I knew they didn’t support me. I had food thrown at me almost everyday in the cafeteria and small comments behind my back but never the less I thought to myself “why do I care, why should I care about their opinions” and the short answer is I shouldn’t, what’s the point of caring about others opinions that don’t matter to you. Anyways back to some questions:
What is the biggest influence on what you wear?
I would say my personal influence is: Conan Gray he is my all around fashion role model, because of his daring ness to try out new things and see the potential in it all, he’s always looking for new things to try and I’d like to be more like him.
What artists/songs are you currently listening to?
Some music I listen too is of course Conan Gray, Vansire, Benee, Beach Bunny,
Dayglow and anything else in that realm.
Where are your favorite places to shop?
Some of my Favorite places to shop are Savers cause they’ve always got amazing DIY projects there, and Forever 21.
If you could change the world what would do?
One way I’d change the world is by getting rid of the Fear and judgment we give others. I would create a world where we aren’t defined by our first impressions from others. We live in a place where people will treat you how they perceive you and most times those perspectives are wrong.
